Resources and Guidelines for Speakers, Chairs and Poster Authors
Conference resources
To assist your preparation for APAIE, please review the following information available from the website:
Guidelines for preparing your presentation
- There is an APAIE 2019 presentation template (ppt) which you have the option to download and use for your APAIE 2019 presentation.
- If using your own ppt, please ensure the aspect ratio is 4:3 and your presentation is compatible with Microsoft Office 365 (2016).
- If there is any video component in your ppt, please ensure it is embedded into the ppt.
- Allow sufficient time to prepare your presentation, and have someone review it, with your target audience in mind.
- Ensure your introduction and objectives are clear and your presentation is well-structured.
- Check your presentation aligns with the conference sub-theme.
- If you have a panel of speakers, ensure each speaker has a copy of the presentation, and has a clear understanding of their role on the panel and contribution to the presentation.
- Consider the nature of your audience and which aspects of your presentation may be of most interest to those attending.
- Ensure you allow time for questions and answers within your allocated presentation timeframe as timing is to be strictly followed.
- If possible, arrange to make contact with your Chair before the presentation, to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of how the presentation will run.
- Provide one or two questions for your Chair to help kick off the Q&A section.
- Promote your presentation: social media, notices at your booth (if you are also an exhibitor), etc.
Uploading your presentation
All presenters are advised to go to the Speakers Preparation Room to check their ppt and to upload to the conference system as soon as possible and not more than 2 hours before your presentation session.
You can also bring a usb and play it directly however it is preferable to pre-load your presentation.
All APAIE 2019 presentations will be pre-loaded to your presentation room. They will also be included in the conference resources, available to delegates post-conference on the conference website. Instructions for uploading your presentation will be sent to you prior to the conference.
Your presentation session
- Please allow sufficient time to arrive at your session and greet your Chair and co-presenters. If more than one presentation is scheduled during your session time, we encourage you to stay for the full session, as a courtesy to your fellow session presenters.
- AV Support – volunteers will be in attendance to provide audio-visual support, and assist with identifying and managing audience questions.
Guidelines for Chairs
The Chair has a key role to play in the smooth running and success of a session. Essentially, the key aspects of the Chair’s role are to:
- Ensure the session starts and ends on time, and timing of presentations is followed.
- Introduce the session topic and welcome each speaker.
- Prepare relevant opening and closing remarks for the session.
- Facilitate question and answer time (if possible, acquire one or two questions from the speakers in advance to kick off the Q&A).
- Ensure all speakers and audience questions can be heard.
- Where there is more than one presentation in a session, ensure smooth transition between each presentation, and each presentation receives their allocated time according to the program.
- Ensure information and housekeeping notes from the conference organisers are conveyed to those attending the session. The chair is a key communicator of relevant information and messages to the delegates in each session.
- Session chairs should check the online program for details of the presentations and speakers in the session they are to chair. Close to the event, chairs should check again as details may have changed.
- Where possible, it is ideal to have some contact with the coordinator of each presentation before the session (via email, phone or in person) to briefly discuss how the session will run.
- At the conclusion, please remind delegates to provide feedback via the post-conference survey, available online and on the app, on the final day of the conference.
Information for Poster Authors/ Presenters
Please prepare a poster to display at the conference. The poster must be:
- A0 size format (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 inches);
- Designed in portrait layout;
- Designed such that titles, legends, graphs and illustrations can be easily read from a distance of 1.5 metres; and
- Include the following details, as per your abstract submission:
- Sub-theme
- Title
- Author Name, Designation (position/job title), Organisation, Country/Region
You may send an electronic version of your poster for the Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) to print and display (at no cost to you), or you may bring your own printed poster and attach to your allocated Poster Board.
Electronic poster
(If you miss this deadline or decide to amend your poster after this deadline, you will need to print and bring your poster to the conference.)
- File type: A0 300dpi pdf
- Colours: CMYK
- If using Adobe Illustrator, please “Create Outline”
Printed poster
- Printed size A0
- Print on paper (120-250gsm) that is easy to transport to the conference
- Do NOT laminate
- Please attach your poster to your designated poster board by 9am Tues 26th March (tape, etc provided at poster board area)
Poster display and discussion
- Posters will be displayed in the Exhibition Hall, along the wall opposite booths 23 & 24.
- Electronic posters sent in by the due date to the PCO will be put up by the PCO. All others are to bring their poster, find their allocated poster board and display their poster with the materials provided by the poster boards.
- Poster authors are scheduled across one morning or afternoon coffee break during the conference.
- During the scheduled time, poster authors are to be in attendance at their poster to engage in discussion with interested delegates on the topic of their poster.