Themes & Proposal Information

Themes & Proposal Information

APAIE 2019 abstract submissions are now closed. A record number of submissions were received for parallel sessions, posters, and pre-conference workshops. Selection is based on relevance to the theme and specific sub-theme, and strength of connection and relevance to the Asia-Pacific region.

APAIE 2019 Conference Theme

Diversity and Inclusivity of Higher Education in the Asia Pacific

APAIE 2019 Conference Sub-Themes

1. Transnational Higher Education and 21st Century Education

What is the role of transnational education for higher learning in improving the global talent landscape? Discussions under this sub-theme include, but are not limited to, innovation and changes due to the 4th industrial revolution, adaptation to suit 21st century learners, management of programmes, initiatives to become higher education hubs, and best practices to attract international students.

2. Mobility and Diversity: Developing Global Citizens

Submissions under this theme will focus on the role of higher education institutions in nurturing and equipping students to be able to contribute as effective members of an emerging world community. Discussions under this sub-theme include, but are not limited to, initiatives towards fostering global identity, global issues and challenges, students’ mobility programmes and other programmes supportive of world’s cultural diversity.

3. Inclusion, Equality and Diversity in Higher Education

Submissions under this theme concentrates on the role of higher education in proactively eliminating discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity, and fostering relations that values, preserves and responds to diversity. Discussions under this sub-theme include, but are not limited to, teaching and learning models and practices, inclusive leadership and student empowerment, successful face-to-face and online environments, programmes supportive of students with special requirements, and staff capacity development.

4. Harmonising Regional Higher Education

The Asia-Pacific region is characterised by a great diversity of political regimes, levels of development, religions, education traditions and gaps in quality. However, despite the differences, there are many factors that can unite the members of Asia-Pacific. This sub-theme discusses the regionalisation of higher education system, through efforts and initiatives that harmonise existing resources or areas that are recognised by member countries. Discussions under this sub-theme include, but are not limited to, regional-building initiatives, regional competitiveness enhancement, credit recognition, enabling policy, and other best practices and benchmarking.

Proposal Guidelines ›