Global Dialogue

Global Dialogue

28 Mar 2019 15:00 16:00
Plenary Theatre, Level 3, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Mr Will Archer Chairperson
Dr Miki Sugimura Panel Member
Dr Penelope J Pynes Panel Member
Ms Sabine Pendl Panel Member
Prof Andrew Petter Panel Member
Prof Dato Ir Dr Wahid Omar Panel Member
Prof Sarah Todd Panel Member

Diversity and Inclusivity of Higher Education in the Asia Pacific

A great conclusion to an APAIE conference is the Global Dialogue.

After three days of sessions focused on various aspects of the conference theme, Diversity and Inclusivity of Higher Education in the Asia Pacific, an expert panel of representatives from around the world will offer their take on the theme and answer your questions.


Inclusivity and Exclusivity: opposing forces in international education?


Can we expect high performance from diversity?  Can we achieve a sustainable balance between noble aspirations, a higher purpose and harsh realities of the business of HE?  This session will challenge panellists and participants to consider the positives: how diversity drives advantage and how inclusivity ensures universities and students are positioned firmly in the real world, not high on a hill somewhere.


Mr Will Archer 
Independent Moderator

Will has worked in and around international education with management teams and policymakers for more than 30 years. Between 2005 and 2017 as i-graduate founder he established the global benchmark for the student experience, implemented by education providers worldwide. Will was Queensland’s first Innovator in Residence, 2017 to 2018.


Prof Dato Ir Dr Wahid Omar
Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Professor Dato Ir Dr Wahid Omar Wahid Omar is a Professor in Structural Engineering and the sixth Vice-Chancellor of UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia. He obtained his PhD (Structural Engineering) from the University of Birmingham, MSc (Bridge Engineering) from the University of Surrey, and BSc (Civil Engineering) from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.

Prof Sarah Todd
President, Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE)

Professor Sarah Todd is the Vice President (Global) at Griffith University, Australia. As well as leading Griffith's internationalisation activities, Professor Todd is currently President of APAIE, an appointed member of the Queensland Government's International Education and Training Advisory Group (IETAG) and a member of both the Universities Australia and Innovative Research Universities (IRU) International Committees.

Prof Todd is on the boards of Study Gold Coast, the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), and MSquare Media. She is a Director of the Foundation for Asia Japan Studies and serves as a member of the Association for Commonwealth Universities (ACU) International Steering Group.

Dr Miki Sugimura
Representing the Japan Network for International Education (JAFSA)

Dr Sugimura is the Vice President for Global Academic Affairs of Sophia University, Japan, a professor of comparative and international education, President of Japan Comparative Education Society, a member of Follow-up Project by Japan Students Services Organization (JASSO), and a member of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO. Her research topics are student mobility and transnational higher education, and migration and multicultural education. Her recent publications include "Rethinking Equality and Equity in Multicultural Education in a Diversified Society: The Case of Language Education for Newcomer Students in Japan" (2019) and Cross-border Migration and the Nation-State: Transformation of Civil Society in the Post-Globalization World (2017, editor).

Dr Penelope J Pynes
Past-President of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), USA

Penelope "Nell" Pynes is Associate Provost for International Programs at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, leading internationalization efforts, directing the University's Global Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan and promoting student/faculty exchange. She has recently served as chair of NAFSA's International Education Leadership Knowledge Community and is currently the Past President of AIEA. A regular presenter on comprehensive internationalization and co-designer of several SIO training programs, she has a doctorate in Germanic linguistics from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Ms Sabine Pendl
President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)

Sabine Pendl is President of EAIE and Director of the Office of International Relations at the University of Graz, Austria. For more than 25 years she has been active in the field of internationalisation. She has managed international projects and summer schools; has worked as a trainer on the development of joint degrees and the management of an international office; has authored numerous articles on internationalisation topics such as benchmarking and teaching in English; and has participated actively in conferences around the world. In addition, she was President of the Utrecht Network twice and currently acts as auditor for the German Rectors’ Conference for their internationalisation project. 

Prof Andrew Petter
President and Vice-Chancellor, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada

From 1991 to 2001, he served as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia and held numerous cabinet portfolios, including Advanced Education and Intergovernmental Relations. Since becoming President, he has overseen the implementation of a Strategic Vision that seeks to distinguish SFU as Canada’s “engaged university defined by its dynamic integration of innovative education, cutting edge research, and far-reaching community engagement.” In 2018, he was appointed to the Order of Canada in recognition of his national leadership in advancing university-community engagement and higher education