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On behalf of APAIE, it is a pleasure to welcome you to APAIE 2019. Malaysia provides the ideal setting to gather and discuss diversity and inclusivity, and I look forward to meeting with many of you in Kuala Lumpur. While geographically close to the location of the successful 2018 APAIE conference (Singapore), Kuala Lumpur offers delegates a very different experience. Together with their co-hosts, UTM has put together a programme that will ensure that you leave APAIE 2019 with a better understanding of the key issues impacting higher education in the Asia-Pacific, and especially those in the ASEAN countries. Additionally, you will experience a taste of the dynamic multicultural city that is Kuala Lumpur. Pluralistic and religiously diverse, Kuala Lumpur’s rich cultural heritage is evident wherever you look, and I can guarantee there will be something for everyone!
I look forward to seeing you in KL in March, 2019.
Professor Sarah Todd
President, APAIE